Sunday, August 3, 2008


It's with a little bit of fear & trembling that I enter into the world of blogging. I really don't know much about what I am doing, so bear with me as I learn.

I am a United Methodist pastor serving at Faith United Methodist Church in Bellefonte PA. I have been here for just one month (arrived in July of 2008). Before Bellefonte I was serving as pastor of St. Paul's UMC in Lewisburg, PA, and before that I was the pastor of Second Avenue UMC in Altoona, PA. Over the years people have asked me for copies of my sermons so I decided to just post them in a blog and allow people to read them and give me some feedback. This is a huge step of faith and vulnerability for me, but I am hoping to learn more about myself and my faith in the process.

Along the way I may learn to actually "blog" and share other parts of my life and faith, but for now look for mostly sermons.

I've always seen life and faith as a great adventure and for me this is just one more adventure along the way.
