Thursday, January 30, 2014

Andy at Israel - Around the Sea of Galilee

What a beautiful day and what a beautiful region.  The sun rose over the Golan Heights which is on the east side of the Sea of Gallilee and I had to ask myself, how many times did Jesus watch that same sunrise?  

I thought about Jesus going up into the hills before dark to pray and sitting there talking to his Father as the sun brought a new day and may a new vision for  The Son.  (See Mark 1:35-39)

Our first stop was just a short distance away where we boarded boats and headed out onto the Sea of Galilee.  The waters were calm, the sun warm and we listened to the stories of Jesus travelling and sailing on these very waters.  While there weren't any storms and none of us tried walking on water, I thought about that night when Jesus rescued his disciples.  Being on the Sea has added some depth to my thoughts of that story (and many others). 

After we landed we headed to the Mt. of Beatitudes and looked out over the fields where Jesus taught and refelcted on the words of Jesus sermon on the mount.  From there it was to Tahgba where Jesus fed the 5,000 with 5 loave and 2 fish and then on to Capernaum which was amazing.  To think that Jesus could have touched some of these very stones and to see the size and scope of the village brought many stories to life.  

After lunch we travelled through the Golan Heights along the eastern shore of the Sea and made our way to the Jordan River.  The waters were calm and still and I was able to walk out alone along a stretch of a path to a bend in the river and just think about how Jesus must have wandered that same route maybe going out to listen to John the Baptist preach.  As I looked up at the beauty of the hillsides and heard the birds in the air I thought how ordinary it was and yet how "holy".  The thought came to me, God in the flesh walked these woods and even entered into this very river.  

I'm now back at the hotel and find myself mesmerized by the view.  The rugged terrain of the Golan Heights, the stillness of the waters, the haze in the sky, the sound of "life" going on all around... just as it was 2,000 years ago.  And just like 2,000 years ago, God is in the midst of it all and I wonder if we really take notice.
